The Internet

Internet, you first became useful to me as a knowledge base.  A veritable wealth of knowldge at my fingertips.  Yes, sometimes I had to “vet” the information I was recieving, but on the whole, you did and still do provide me with a whole bunch of information that I could not readily find through other means. Oh, and I guess sometimes you helped me to connect with friends and family (I’m looking at you two, Gmail and Facebook).

But what happened? Yesterday someone told me about a news article they read on Facebook.  Who was the journalist? Someone else shared an article titled “Drivers are furious about this new law” with very real concern in the email.

Internet, when did you become the best place for charlatains to come looking for people to take advantage of?  When did you become a great place for people to shout their complaints and hates without even caring to hear the response?

I feel betrayed by you. No, I don’t hold it against you. You can’t help who you have become. But you can’t deny, you have changed.  And we just can’t be the same close friends we once were.