First Post!!

I think I’ll start this blog like a good day – a little coffee, reflection, and purpose. I always look forward to a good cup of coffee in the morning: I like the smell and the taste, but most importantly, I enjoy the time that it gives me to sit and just be. To reflect on life and let my thoughts wander for a moment without stress.

This site is primarily about my hobby: technology. Yes, most of what I post will be focused on electronics, but what truly interests me is where electronics intersect with other disciplines – where technologies come together to create something incredible. I wanted to start this site to share some of the things I have learned about tech, and some of the ideas I’ve had that I haven’t had the chance to pursue. I hope that I can add something to the collective knowledge of the internet, encourage others to challenge norms and seek to do something amazing with technology. I am not an expert in this field, and I welcome criticism and correction to any false information I may inadvertently post.

As I said, I dream big, and look to technological solutions. I don’t like being told “that won’t work.” I prefer to do the research, look into the details, and KNOW if something is feasible or not.